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The Lost Boy


Based on a true story, The Lost Boy traces a father’s attempt to find his young child as he navigates not only hostage negotiations with the boy’s kidnappers, but also the exploitative allure of yellow journalism and the circus world of the original American huckster, P. T. Barnum.

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“The Lost Boy is a tightrope mystery where a boy’s life hangs in the balance amid the self-serving interests of the white collar elite and circus-folk, both vying for the upper hand . . .”

Broadway World

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“But, as intriguing as the story is, Ms. Mach’s setting of it, as a background for Barnum’s sideshow, is downright brilliant. The facade of a circus arena, reflecting the real life events, gives the story its edge . . .”

Dennis Sparks Reviews

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“Perhaps Mach is asking us to think more deeply when the great showman P. T. Barnum says to the father, “Think of us as your net. the “net” could be the Internet and other technology that help promote yellow journalism of the 21st Century . . .”

— Kris Alman, Oregon Save Our Schools